Weekend crash course

A few months ago, I blogged about wanting to start doing some online courses. True to my word, I did register myself and started doing non-credit courses. I chose courses that were interesting. In fact, I really am enjoying this online journey. I do not know how much monetary benefit it would give me, but I do know it is giving me knowledge. Knowledge is always power.

But two weeks ago, I got an email saying my Red Cross CPR training had expired and I needed to renew it. Yes, I need to undergo trainings every month so that I can work with my son as his habitat aide, and one of them is the Red Cross CPR training. Today evening, I spent nearly 3 hours working on their online class, and I just finished it. The last time I did it, it was an online class on Zoom with the instructor. But this time, it was a complete online experience. Did I enjoy it? I would not say that as a yes. They had made the course very interactive and saw to it that I did not sleep in the process. I kept remembering the medical dramas I saw on television, and the doctors and paramedics who did those on television came in front of me. Anyhow, I am glad I finished the online portion; I just need to do an in-person class before I can get my certification. I hope to get it in the next couple of weeks. 

I think doing this three-hour course was my highlight of the week. Yes, I did it in one sitting. The certification is valid for two years! So going to bed having achieved something huge. 

Moraine State Park, today morning

For Natalie’s Weekend Coffee Share.

7 responses to “Weekend crash course”

  1. Wowwwww very big Congratulations for completing the training. 3hrs training in one stretch.. Salutes to your dedication sissy. You are awesome. Nice picture sissy 👏🌺👌🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on the completion of the online CPR course! Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow – I know my CPR cert is expired and I should be looking for a class. One more item for the to-do list. Thanks for the reminder – I think.

    I was glad to hear that the class you took kept you involved. For such an important skill set, it’s great that they worked to keep you engaged and paying attention.

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    1. Yes, the videos were short and they kept throwing small quizes and real life situations. Just check out the redcross website. My company sent me the link after they registered me.

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