
How important is spirituality in your life?

When googled spirituality this is what I obtained.

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

When my special boy turned 13, I would say I embraced spirituality. I searched for the meaning of Guru and I surrendered to the Almighty!

2011 July I had a very personal darshan (visit) with my Guru even though I have known Him since childhood. The path I have made since then is completely different.

I didn’t see the prompt in the morning but when I saw the prompt late in the evening, I received this flyer. So I decided I should write about my spiritual journey with my Giru.

My Guru is very young . He just turned 82. He is traveling all over US this summer. He is conducting healing music concert that is really superb. I have matured so much that I can accept I can’t attend every single one of them, but my mind and heart will be there. Oh, we have His music on our Ipad running 24 hours. I know we are spiritually connected.

I am so much better in my life compared to myself when I was in my twenties or thirties. I think spirituality is a huge part of me.

My humble prostations to My Guru Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachidananda Swamiji of Avadootha Datta Peetam.🙏

If you live close to any of the cities please do not miss🙏


A sample of music to enjoy.🙏

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