Blogging about birds.

In January 2020, I created my account with WordPress and made my first post. Little did I realize blogging would become a part of me. What do I blog? I have blogged everything and anything.

Yesterday I wrote about my attempt to make an Indian snack, and this morning it was about the countries I want to visit. I use prompts, or I just go with the flow. 

Today I have some bird pictures to share. First, I have a killdeer bird nesting on pebbles. It was angry and defensive a few weeks ago. But now it has become calm. I am in awe at how it has camaflouged itself with the pebbles.

Then I have a picture of four little birds in a nest built on top of a shelter. There are more than seven nests in the shelter, and these four tiny ones from one nest peeked themselves out. The parent birds were flying in and out of the shelter, trying to feed their babies.

I complain about my critters in my backyard, but the fact is, I love them all. Nature is so beautiful. Enjoying these and writing about them have become part of my life. I would say this is a mindfulness exercise in and of itself. 

RDP Tuesday prompt blogging.

7 responses to “Blogging about birds.”

  1. Was this a pandemic thing? I started almost the same time as you, and at first it was something so that I won’t get bored. But 4 years later, I am still having fun. Lovely images ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. I started just before pandemic, I think pandemic helped me. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Same here have a great day!

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  2. There’s nothing more relaxing than watching wildlife. It doesn’t have to be spectacular like elephants or tigers, but simply just the local wildlife we tend to take for granted and don’t normally take much notice of. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you do not need to travel far to enjoy wildlife!


  3. Walter Schelsky Avatar
    Walter Schelsky

    I have 1/2 acre of woods behind my house. I have a place where I can sit out there and watch nature do its thing. I feed the birds and the squirrels and the rabbits. Sometimes I sit so still the birds land very near me. It is one of my favorite quiet places. (When the neighborhood kids aren’t out!! 😁)

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