Busy as a bee 🐝

End of Season trophy

My son’s activities have kept me busy the past two days. Yes, we took him for his baseball game, and today he did a vocal performance at our local temple for Purandara Dasa Day. 

On a stage!

Purandara Dasa was a Carnatic music composer and singer who lived nearly 600 years ago. He streamlined carnatic music lessons, and every child who wants to learn carnatic music needs to start with his basic lessons. So that is what my son performed today at the temple. He sang the beginning lessons of carnatic music. 

Kudos to my boy for sitting in front of the microphone and singing with a smiling face. He made my day. It took a lot of practice and work for this to happen. He is considered a minimally verbal autistic adult. So for him to sing in front of an audience is huge. 

When I got up this morning, I made a call as usual to my mom. I told her I was very tired and was not feeling enthusiastic about taking him. My mom said things would turn out great once you reached the temple. I would say things turned around when he walked onto the stage and made a surprise face. I asked him to say hello to test the microphone, and I just imagined him practicing at home. He sang just like he did at home. 

I had been writing a blog almost every day, a rule not written in stone. But for the past two days, my brain was so fried that I could not come up with anything. I think I was a bit overwhelmed this weekend with my son’s program. For a minute of his performance please check out the link.


For the next few months, my son is not enrolled in anything. Yay to that! Yes, his social calendar is not busy. We are going to have a relaxed summer. Yes, the temperature is going to hit 100 degrees next week, and we are going to spend most of our time at the pool. A much-needed break. 

A big thanks to my husband. Happy Father’s Day to him! The past few months, he has been up many weekends early in the morning to take us to various events. I think he is going to get a much-needed break. 

Happy Father’s Day to my dad too! I think I made him proud today. He sent me a picture of me and my boy on stage (who was watching live on YouTube) by the time I was off stage. He is a Carnatic music critic and I think that picture said we passed!

Father’s Day Treat Homemade falooda!
Shaved Ice
Cold coffee, my summer dreams!

8 responses to “Busy as a bee 🐝”

  1. You’ve been busy. I’m glad your son’s performance went well – the link didn’t work for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I think it is not opening from WP feed. But opens otherwise. Thanks for letting me know.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes – it works in my desktop. He did well 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Great! Thanks 🙏!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. very good performance Ani. A big salute to u both. Happy Father’s Day to Lakshmi Narayanan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks chithi 🙏


  3. Kimerle Anne Viccaro Avatar
    Kimerle Anne Viccaro

    You are always so busy, how is going to the pool. Is it the outdoor pool? I have never been there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The outdoor pool is open but is so crowded. We spend our time indoors. It is empty when the outdoor opens. So win win situation.


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