Instinct for Fandango Story Starter #155

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the carousel at the long abandoned amusement park began to spin on its own, beckoning me to step aboard.

I was walking my dog and was surprised by it. My curiosity took the better of me, and I walked towards with my Fluffy. I went closer to the carousel, and I suddenly noticed it was coming to a full stop. The fear and flight mode now crept inside me. Did I make a mistake? Should I run back? Is there something dangerous? I was immersed in so many thoughts, and at that moment my Fluffy decided she should start barking.

I put aside my fears and kept walking towards the carousel. That is when I noticed two boys sitting in the carousel. They were around twelve years old. One kid was holding onto the other kid’s bleeding knee with his hands. They both looked scared. I walked up to them. I inquired about them. They had wandered a bit away from home. The carousel looked like a good place to play; unfortunately, one kid did hurt himself on a broken horse. 

I calmed them down and called their parents. Both sets came within ten minutes and thanked me immensely. When the kids left, I continued my walk out of the park and on to my home. It was an experience. I now keep thinking, would I do the same thing the next time? Will I take a risk? I do not know. Maybe I would just use my instinct at that particular point in time.

For Fandango’s Story Starter #155.

7 responses to “Instinct for Fandango Story Starter #155”

  1. A mother’s instinct.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A good story Ganga.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome my friend

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful story! Well written.👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

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