Planning a vacation during staycation

I have two weekend outings planned for this summer. One at the end of this month and another in July. Until then, the rest of the summer, as I said, is going to be a staycation. I got my boy to do a routine at the pool. He sits in the water, and I sit on the sidelines, browsing my phone. Yes, watching Facebook reels of people cooking, arguing over things that are not going to solve any problems, babies and toddlers reciting multiplication tables, and, of course, people sharing their vacation pictures and videos.

Anyway, Mexican and Caribbean vacations are again catching my attention. It seems I am more drawn to hot-weather places. I think visiting the Pyramid of the Sun could be something more doable than an Egyptian vacation for our family. That was when I saw this meme posted on my Facebook page. I loved it. So during this staycation, I am just going to sit and plan vacations. I may not book any, but at least I can gather some ideas. By the way the two weekends I have planned are nothing exotic!

Meanwhile, my brother has been sending these beautiful pictures from Banff, Alberta. When I wrote about the five countries I wanted to visit, none of them had a snowy mountain peak. I live in a city that is surrounded by hills, and on a cold winter morning, I have witnessed beautiful scenery. Did he make me jealous by sending these pictures? Brothers have the tendency to do that to their older sisters, and I think that was the purpose. I am going to act like a bigger person and say I am glad he was able to visit that place. 

Pictures from Banff, Alberta. Courtesy my brother!

Comment from him: It is impossible to take bad pictures!

2 responses to “Planning a vacation during staycation”

  1. My thanks to your brother for the photos 😊👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Will pass that on to him😊🙏.

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